Students Tax Filling

Students think they don’t make enough money so they don’t see the point in filing their taxes.

But you are missing out!!

As a student, taxes are your best friend.
If you make less money, you could be eligible to receive a refund on the taxes deducted from your pay cheque, plus an additional refund of up-to $900 from the Government of Canada.

If you make no money, you could be eligible to receive refunds up-to $900 from the Government of Canada.

We can help you maximize your refund

We’re here for one simple reason: to get you back every cent that you’re owed.

Claim your tuition properly

Track down your T2202 form, outlining your tuition fees. It helps calculate your tuition and education amounts properly, and you can’t claim those without it.

Transfer unused tuition and education credits

If you don’t use your full credit amount this year, you can transfer a portion to a parent or life-partner, or carry it forward to claim in the future.

Moving expenses

If you moved over 40km to attend school or get a summer job, ask us how to expense transportation, storage, travel and temporary living costs you may be entitled to.

Have Any Question?

Contact us now and get your taxes done!

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